Always On Call, Corp. Services

We pick up where you leave off

Answer As A Member Of Your Office Team

  • Record incoming calls on excel sheet
  • Send all client inquiries to designate (key player as designated by customer)
  • Supply office daily with an excel call log
  • All calls will be recorded and held for 15 hours – Can be emailed to you if requested

Caregiver/Client Problems

  • Service provider’s trained staff to offer advice in most situations
  • Service Provider reports all issues to Customer’s Office
  • Depending on issue notify family

Call Outs – Contact Bonafide Replacements To Fill Shift

  • Notify family/client of change of caregiver
  • Notify key player for introduction as soon as possible of replacement being confirmed
  • Enter shift in computer system as call out with reason given

Miss Clock In & Out

  • Call/text caregivers and client’s home to verify CG is at shift
  • Make notation if late in call log
  • Notify key player if caregiver isn’t located
  • Notation as to why a late (if reason given from caregiver) clock out in call log
  • Update system for times of clock in & out

Emergencies In Home

  • Advise CG’s to contact 911 or Hospice depending on client’s assessment
  • Contact family
  • Notify customer’s office contact
Services will include any other tasks that may be agreed upon.

Contact Us For A Quote Today!

Call us at 518-693-7474 or fill out the form below.